Apartment in Athens Glenway WescottGood-Bye Wisconson Glenway WescottThe Pilgrim Hawk: A Love Story Glenway WescottThis powerful short novel describes the events of a single afternoon. Alwyn Tower, an American expatriate and sometime novelist, is staying with a friend outside of Paris, when a well-heeled, itinerant Irish couple drops inâwith Lucy, their trained hawk, a restless, sullen, disturbingly totemic presence. Lunch is prepared, drink ï¬ows. A masquerade, at once harrowing and farcical, begins.
A work of classical elegance and concision, The Pilgrim Hawk stands with Faulkner’s The Bear as one of the ï¬nest American short novels: a beautifully crafted story that is also a poignant evocation of the implacable power of love.A Visit to Priapus and Other Stories Glenway Wescott |